The Adytum | Official Trailer from Lexi Bass on Vimeo.

Graduate Student Master's Thesis Film, "The Adytum" by Lexi Bass. Exploring power struggles via themes of spirituality, sexuality, language and death, "The Adytum" is my definitively feminine approach to the coming-of-age story. Plot, process and meaning are woven into a narrative that challenges the traditional "linear" format encouraging thematic experience in an editing style that mimics holistic, web thought.

Featuring Megh Zahrndt, Jason Zahrndt, Joey Crane, Tony Feltner, Ermir Bejo, Lexi Bass and music by composer, Steven J. (Joey) Crane with help from Adam Zahller, Eloise Boisjoli, Colleen Bertsch, Andrew Bergmann, Yvonne Freckmann, Jessica Strong, Leah Fowler, Ermir Bejo, Zach Thomas and Jordan Waller.

View the full feature-length film, The Adytum on Vimeo.